Thursday, June 3, 2010

Glass Block Diversion

I wish this post were a Before / After of these not-so stylish glass blocks in the master bathroom.  But since we are currently living in my mother in law's house (bless them for hosting us for almost a year now) this is their bathroom.  If we had the money, I just might remodel this bathroom for her because I think she agrees, it needs some revamp.

Anyway, apparently my 2 year old agrees that the glass blocks are not so cool so he decided that he would jazz them up with some RED crayon in the grout line.

But the not so funny thing is, this happened because I took a shower while the kids were still awake. (Usually I shower at nap time).  But I wanted to get some work done on the desk during nap time.  

Like most mothers, there is no such thing as privacy, so Auggy was playing peek a boo with me around the glass blocks while I was showering. Little did I know that it was just a diversion and he had a crayon in the other hand and was hard at work with one hand, while distracting me with his cute "Bek-a-poo" (as he calls it).
So needless to say, I spend their naptime scrubbing grout with a hair dryer and some Ka-Boom.  It's clean now but wow, I hate grout.


Em said...

What a stinker! Ugh...

Anonymous said...

Awwww now Mom...he may just be a fine artist one day! :)
What a cuteie!
xoxo Susie~